undefined undefined Emma Marsden | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Emma Marsden

Alternate Names
Emma Marsden Beckstead (Married Name)
Birth Date
On 1845 May 21 (Born)
Death Date
On 1870 September 4 (Died)

Evidence from emigration and genealogical records prove that she came to Utah in 1861; she imigrated to America in 1861 and was married in Utah in Apr. 1862, which would have been prior to the arrival of that season's imigration.


1845 May 21

Date Details

Occurred On 1845 May 21

Traveled in Company Unknown (1861)

1861 – 1861 September (Age 15) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started Circa 1861
Joined Company
Ended Circa 1861 September
Company Arrived

Married Henry Beckstead

1862 March 8 (Age 16)


1870 September 4 (Age 25)

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