Emma Sophia Petersen
Her name is listed as "Emma Sophia Petersen" on FamilySearch. The surname is spelled "Peterson" on the manifest of the ship Thornton, the Deseret News roster of the Willie Company, and the Josiah Rogerson account published in the Salt Lake Herald.
The 1860 Utah census lists the surname of the children as "Smith."
1850 July 27
Date Details
Occurred On 1850 July 27
Traveled in James G. Willie Company (1856)
1856 July 15 – November 9 (Age 5) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started On 1856 July 15
Joined Company
Ended On 1856 November 9
Company Arrived
Married Frederick Walter Cox
1869 October 11 (Age 19)
1900 November 22 (Age 50)

Emma Sophia Petersen (1850 - 1900) Profile