Erik Walter Christofferson

Birth Date
On 1847 August 21 (Born)
Death Date
Circa 1906 (Died)

The Christofferson family sailed to the United States with his family in 1854 on the Jessie Munn. Although research has uncovered documentation showing that the Christofferson family may have traveled to Utah possibly between 1856 and 1859, biographical information written much later by Hans’s grandson states that they came to Utah in 1857. Another source suggests they may have traveled to Utah as late as 1859 as part of the Robert F. Neslen company. Their son, Peter, has been placed in the Robert F. Neslen company for now. Further research is needed to determine the name of the company they traveled with.

In some sources, the family's surname is listed as "Christophersen" or "Christopherson."

The inscription on his gravestone lists his given name as "Walter," and also confirms the year of his death.

His given name is listed as "Baltimore" on the 1860 Utah census.


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