Francis Beardall
Circumstantial evidence from emigration, genealogical, and newspaper records proves the Beardall family traveled to Utah in 1863. On the passanger list of the ship Cynosure (1863) he is listed as "Frank" Beardall. Further research is needed to determine the name of the company they traveled with.
1833 February 20
Date Details
Occurred On 1833 February 20
Traveled in Company Unknown (1863)
1863 (Age 29) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Occurred Circa 1863
Joined Company
Circa 1863
Company Arrived
Married Mary Bryan
1865 August 19 (Age 32)
1911 January 29 (Age 77)
Francis Beardall (1833 - 1911) Profile