undefined undefined Frances M Smith | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Frances M Smith

Birth Date
On 1811 October 16 (Born)
Death Date
On 1849 August (Died)

Born in Waterford, Oxford, Maine, United States

1811 October 16
Eunice Cutler
Isaac Smith

Date Details

Occurred On 1811 October 16

Married Beri Lewis Robbins

1837 October 26 (Age 26)

Served in Eastern States Mission

1843 April 10 – 1844 (Age 31) See Missionaries
Mission Type
Marital Status
Missionary Activity Notes

Given a roving commission to Massachusetts with her spouse and Jacob Gates and his spouse. But they were to keep out of churches.

Residence When Called
Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, United States
Location Served
Massachusetts, United States

Date Details

Started On 1843 April 10
On 1843 June 15
Departed from Home
Ended On 1844
Arrived at Home

Died in Douglas County, Nebraska, United States

1849 August (Age 37)

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