Frederick Augustus Allen

Birth Date
On 1866 January 6 (Born)
Death Date
On 1941 November 23 (Died)

Born in Parowan, Iron, Utah Territory, United States

1866 January 6
Sarah Jane Whiteley
Daniel Allen Jr.

Date Details

Occurred On 1866 January 6

Baptized by Joseph Fish

1877 June 1 (Age 11)

Served in California Mission

1920 December 19 – 1921 March 31 (Age 54) See Missionaries
Mission Type
Short Term
Marital Status
Missionary Activity Notes

He was already in California when he was called because of his health.  He entered missionary service Oct 12, 1920 & within two weeks he converted & baptized a gentleman.  Pres. McMurrin set him apart Dec 19th (Calimis 6:10). Elder Larsen and Allen worked diligently in La Jolla, California.  It was reported March 23, 1921 that they had resided with Br. & Sis. Paks.  They were charged no fee for their lodging as the Paks considered it an honor to entertain the servants of the Lord. (Calimis 6:3)

Priesthood Office
High Priest
Residence When Called
Payson, Utah, Utah, United States
Set Apart By
Joseph W. McMurrin
Served With

Date Details

Started On 1920 December 19
Set Apart
Ended On 1921 March 31
Arrived at Home

Died in Payson, Utah, Utah, United States

1941 November 23 (Age 75)
Frederick Augustus Allen (1866 - 1941) Profile
Frederick Augustus Allen (1866 - 1941) Profile
