undefined undefined George Alvin Richardson | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

George Alvin Richardson

Birth Date
On 1846 September 4 (Born)
Death Date
On 1882 January 15 (Died)

The Richardson family traveled in a non-Mormon company headed to Oregon, but left the company at Sublette's Cutoff when their ox died. They ventured to Salt Lake where they only intended to spend the winter and obtain another ox. Instead they were converted to Mormonism.


1846 September 4

Date Details

Occurred On 1846 September 4

Traveled in Company Unknown (1853)

1853 (Age 6) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Occurred Circa 1853
Joined Company
Circa 1853
Company Arrived


1882 January 15 (Age 35)
George Alvin Richardson (1846 - 1882) Profile
George Alvin Richardson (1846 - 1882) Profile


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