undefined undefined George Batty, Jr. | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

George Batty, Jr.

Birth Date
On 1819 April 14 (Born)
Death Date
On 1895 January 26 (Died)

George, his wife Encora, children John, Thomas, Mathew, Anna, Sarah and George came from England in 1862 on the ship William Tapscott.  Their surname is "Batey" on the 1870 Utah census.


1819 April 14

Date Details

Occurred On 1819 April 14

Married Encora Woodcock

1844 December 2 (Age 25)

Traveled in Horton D. Haight Company (1862)

1862 August 10 – October 19 (Age 43) Pioneers in Company


1895 January 26 (Age 75)
George Batty Jr. (1819 - 1895) Profile
George Batty Jr. (1819 - 1895) Profile


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