George Milo Taylor

Birth Date
On 1861 January 27 (Born)
Death Date
On 1924 December 25 (Died)

His birth date is confirmed by the inscription on his gravestone and his death date is confirmed by his death certificate.

His father, George, sailed to America in 1857 on the George Washington. His mother, Louisa, and two sisters sailed in 1860 on the Underwriter in 1860.   They met his father in New York, and the family came to Utah in 1862.  His father's obituary confirms the family's travel to Utah.

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1861 January 27

Date Details

Occurred On 1861 January 27

Traveled in Homer Duncan Company (1862)

1862 July 22 – September 21 (Age 1) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1862 July 22
Joined Company
Ended On 1862 September 21
Company Arrived


1924 December 25 (Age 63)