undefined undefined Grace Emma Wilkinson | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Grace Emma Wilkinson

Birth Date
On 1849 September 30 (Born)
Death Date
On 1929 April 13 (Died)

Fanny, Maria and Grace Wilkinson are sisters. They emigrated from England by way of the ship General McClellan. The Wilkinson sisters then continued their westward journey as part of the 1864 Rawlins Company.

Grace's married surname was "Stringfellow," as recorded on her death certificate.


1849 September 30

Date Details

Occurred On 1849 September 30

Traveled in Joseph S. Rawlins Company (1864)

1864 July 15 – September 20 (Age 14) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1864 July 15
Joined Company
Ended Between 1864 September 19 – 20
Company Arrived

Married George Stringfellow

1867 April 1 (Age 17)


1929 April 13 (Age 79)


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