Gwenfred Thomas

Alternate Names
Gwenfred Phillips (Married Name)
Gwenfry Phillips (Married Name)
Birth Date
Circa 1810 (Born)
Death Date
On 1872 November 27 (Died)

The Phillips family arrived with his family in New Orleans via the ship Golconda on 18 March 1854. Gwinfrey crossed the ocean with her husband, a son and daughter (William Jr and Mary Ann) and another 14 year old child named Evan. It is uncertain what Evan's relationship to the family was and if he continued with them on the overland journey to the Valley.

The first documentation to place them in the Valley is the 1860 federal census, which places them in Brigham City, Utah. Further research is needed to narrow the year of their travel and identify the name of the company they traveled with.

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