Hannah Crowther

Birth Date
On 1833 January 10 (Born)
Death Date
On 1912 December 13 (Died)

Hannah traveled as a single woman, arriving in Philadelphia on 5 May 1855 via the ship Juventa. The British Mission record lists her as 22 years old at the time of travel in 1855.  Her baptism record in the Parish of Duffield in the County of Derby in the year 1835 has her baptized March 24, 1835 with a note that she is 2 1/3 years old. The year of birth on her grave stone and death certificate are incorrect. The 1851 England and 1860 Utah census support the earlier birth year. She later married James Smithies.

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1833 January 10

Date Details

Occurred On 1833 January 10

Traveled in Richard Ballantyne Company (1855)

1855 July 1 – September 25 (Age 22) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1855 July 1
Joined Company
Ended On 1855 September 25
Company Arrived

Married James Smithies

1856 May 2 (Age 23)


1912 December 13 (Age 79)


