Hannah David

Birth Date
On 1837 March 3 (Born)
Death Date
On 1925 November 21 (Died)

Her surname is "Davis" on the 1849 ship Hartley and "Hughes" on the 1860 Utah census, death certificate and Find A Grave website.  She married Morgan Hughes 3 December 1853.

"My father and [his] five daughters remained there [St. Louis] until 1852 when we started on our journey West. We stayed at Council Bluffs ten weeks, then we continued the journey west and arrived in Salt Lake City on September 19, 1852. . . . I crossed the plains with my father and sisters by ox teams. We were with the 13th company under Captain Williams Morgan." (Emma David Rees)

This family is not listed on the company roster.

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1837 March 3

Date Details

Occurred On 1837 March 3

Traveled in William Morgan Company (1852)

1852 June 22 – September 25 (Age 15) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1852 June 22
Joined Company
Ended On 1852 September 25
Company Arrived


1925 November 21 (Age 88)
Hannah David (1837 - 1925) Profile
Hannah David (1837 - 1925) Profile


