Hannah Hardy
Hannah sailed to America in 1845 on the ship Palmyra with her husband William Eckersly. He died in Missouri. She later married John Crompton.
Wife of John Crompton. She traveled with her husband, his brother, and her infant daughter. Her children from her first marriage to William Eckersley also traveled in the Ettleman Company. Her travel to Utah is mentioned in her daughter's obituary.
1815 June 10
Date Details
Occurred On 1815 June 10
Traveled in Henry Ettleman Company (1853)
1853 – 1853 October 1 (Age 38) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started Circa 1853
Joined Company
Ended On 1853 October 1
Company Arrived
1901 March 14 (Age 85)

Hannah Hardy (1815 - 1901) Profile