undefined undefined Hans Henry Elliker | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Hans Henry Elliker

Birth Date
On 1797 February 26 (Born)
Death Date
On 1856 September 20 (Died)

Hans, his wife Margaretha, children Heinrich, Barbara, Elizabeth, Conrad, Margaratha, Susanna, and Johannes came from England in 1856 on the ship Enoch Train.  Their surname is spelled "Eliker" on the ship manifest.

He came with his wife and 7 children.  His death date is confirmed by the Daniel Duncan McArthur Emigrating Company Journal.


1797 February 26

Date Details

Occurred On 1797 February 26


1856 September 20 (Age 59)
Hans Henry Elliker (1797 - 1856) Profile
Hans Henry Elliker (1797 - 1856) Profile

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