undefined undefined Harriet Gully | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Harriet Gully

Alternate Names
Harriet Davis (Married Name)
Harriet Potter (Married Name)
Harriet Burton (Married Name)
Harriet Atkinson (Married Name)
Birth Date
On 1840 April 30 (Born)
Death Date
On 1888 August 20 (Died)

Born in Lawrence, Newton, Mississippi, United States

1840 April 30

Date Details

Occurred On 1840 April 30

Traveled in Samuel Gully/Orson Spencer Company (1849)

1849 May 28 – September 25 (Age 9) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1849 May 28
Joined Company
Ended Between 1849 September 22 – 25
Company Arrived


1854 June 11 (Age 14)

Married Jonathan Gleason Davis

1855 (Age 14)

Married Isaac Smith Potter

1859 August 20 (Age 19)

Married William Henry Burton

1867 (Age 26)

Died in San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California, United States

1888 August 20 (Age 48)

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