undefined undefined Henry David Dall, Jr. | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Henry David Dall, Jr.

Birth Date
On 1839 December 13 (Born)
Death Date
On 1918 September 23 (Died)

Traveled with an Independent Company. Came from England on the ship, Chimborazo in 1855 with his parents and 5siblings:


1839 December 13

Date Details

Occurred On 1839 December 13

Married Elizabeth Gould Weech

1861 December 25 (Age 22)

Married Jane Ogden

1871 October 9 (Age 31)


1918 September 23 (Age 78)
Henry David Dall Jr. (1839 - 1918) Profile
Henry David Dall Jr. (1839 - 1918) Profile


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