Henry Oaks
Henry seems to have participated in two different companies for a short time. The sources indicate that he started with the John B. Walker Company, but then by request of one of the Church authorities, he returned to the Missouri River with a small group of men to assist all the remaining companies across the river. After the last company of the season had crossed the river (the Allen Weeks Company), he and his companions went along with them with the intent of rejoining their families that were already several weeks ahead of them. Henry didn't get far as he died en route from Cholera.
Born in Niven, Springville, Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, United States
1819 September 19
Catherine Almira Prichard
James Selah Oaks
Date Details
Occurred On 1819 September 19
Married Prudence Ann Tremayne
1842 May 11 (Age 22)
Traveled in John B. Walker Company (1852)
1852 June 26 – July (Age 32) Pioneers in Company
Date Details
Started Between 1852 June 26 – 30
Joined Company
Ended Circa 1852 July
Left Company Early
Died in Elk Horn River Crossing, Gage, Nebraska Territory, United States
1852 July 13 (Age 32)
Traveled in Allen Weeks Company (1852)
1852 July 13 (Age 32) Pioneers in Company
Date Details
On 1852 July 13
Died en Route
Occurred On 1852 July 13
Joined Company