Hiram William Pew
Born in Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, United States
1831 July 8
William Pew
Date Details
Occurred On 1831 July 8
1839 July 1 (Age 7)
Traveled in Heber C. Kimball Company (1848)
1848 June 7 – September 24 (Age 16) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Additional Information
The Tippets family traveled to the Salt Lake Valley with the Heber C. Kimball Company in 1848. The family included John Harvey and his wife Caroline Fidelia Calkins and their son John Harvey, Jr., Caroline’s two children from a previous marriage, Hyrum William Pew and Sariah Fedelia, John’s son from a previous marriage, John Austin, Caroline’s sister, Nancy Calkins, and John’s uncle Alvah. Also traveling with the family was Sariah Lewis.
Date Details
Started On 1848 June 7
Joined Company
Ended On 1848 September 24
Company Arrived
Married Henrietta Druicillia Weymouth
1852 March 31 (Age 20)
Died in Mesa, Maricopa, Arizona, United States
1903 February 25 (Age 71)

Hiram William Pew (1831 - 1903) Profile