Isaac Allen, Jr.

Birth Date
On 1834 August 18 (Born)
Death Date
On 1910 January 9 (Died)

Isaac crossed the Atlantic with his mother (Elizabeth), and siblings on the ship William Stetson in 1855. His father, Isaac Allen, had made the overseas trip a year earlier and traveled with the Haight/Kesler freight train, probably as a teamster to help pay his passage. The Wasden account places his mother, sister (Elizabeth) and brother in the in the Stevenson company that same year, but there is no mention of Isaac Jr. It is likely he hired out as a teamster like his father did but further research is needed to determine with which company.

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1834 August 18

Date Details

Occurred On 1834 August 18

Traveled in Company Unknown (1859)

1859 (Age 24) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Occurred Circa 1859
Joined Company
Circa 1859
Company Arrived


1910 January 9 (Age 75)


