Isaac Bloxham
In the 1850 Pottawattamie, Iowa census Isaac is in the household of Thomas and Elizabeth "Bloxam." Thomas "Bloxham" appears in the 1852 Iowa census and as Thomas "Bloxam" in the 1852 Immigrant Location Committee document. Presumably Isaac traveled west with his father because he married at Salt Lake City in 1867. Further research is needed to identify the name of the pioneer company with which the family crossed the plains.
1842 August 20
Date Details
Occurred On 1842 August 20
Traveled in Company Unknown (1852)
1852 May 23 (Age 9) Pioneers in Company
Date Details
Started On 1852 May 23
Joined Company
Ended Circa 1852
Company Arrived
Married Ann Barnes
1867 April 11 (Age 24)
1891 March 25 (Age 48)

Isaac Bloxham (1842 - 1891) Profile