undefined undefined Isaac Fleming Young | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Isaac Fleming Young

Birth Date
On 1846 November 27 (Born)
Death Date
On 1920 January 17 (Died)

The 1850 Utah census shows Isaac Fleming, age 4, born in Missouri, with Lydia Caroline Fleming.  Isaac and Lydia would have arrived in Utah in 1847 or 1848 because she was rebaptized in Salt Lake City on 22 October 1848.

FamilySearch shows an Isaac Fleming Young (2SQ5-5YL) as the son of "Caroline L. Hager," and Joseph Young, born 20 November 1850.  His birth year does not match with the 4-year-old Isaac, born in Missouri, that appears with Lydia in the 1850 Utah census.

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1846 November 27

Date Details

Occurred On 1846 November 27


1855 April 5 (Age 8)


1920 January 17 (Age 73)



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