undefined undefined Jabez Dangerfield | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Jabez Dangerfield

Birth Date
On 1841 November 12 (Born)
Death Date
On 1927 January 3 (Died)

His birth date comes from information given by him to the Fourteenth Quorum of Seventies, vol. 1, in Seventies Quorum, Records, CR 499, reel 40, and from his birth certificate in Middlesex, England, which can be seen with his entry in Family Tree.  The birth date on his death certificate is incorrect.


1841 November 12

Date Details

Occurred On 1841 November 12

Traveled in Horton D. Haight/Frederick Kesler Freight Train (1859)

1859 June 6 – September 1 (Age 17) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1859 June 6
Joined Company
Ended On 1859 September 1
Company Arrived

Married Mary Ann James

1866 December 23 (Age 25)


1927 January 3 (Age 85)
Jabez Dangerfield (1841 - 1927) Profile
Jabez Dangerfield (1841 - 1927) Profile


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