Jacob Bachman

Birth Date
On 1858 October 27 (Born)
Death Date
On 1921 June 9 (Died)

Jacob, his wife Elizabeth and their children Maria, Verna,  Jacob, Elizabeth and Emil sailed to America in 1862 on the ship Windermere, arriving in New York on 8 July 1862. In a life sketch, written in 1915, the daughter Elizabeth, who was just a toddler at the time of travel, indicates that the family arrived in the Valley in December 1863. This is very unlikely as there is no record of a company arriving so late in the season, and there is no mention of them remaining in the East for a year after arriving in the States.

The Bachman family lost a newborn baby on the trail. The Jacob Zollinger reminiscences of the 1862 Dame company mention a newborn with the family name of Bachofen who died on the trail. It is assumed that this was the child of Jacob and Elizabeth Bachman, which would place the family in this company.

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1858 October 27

Date Details

Occurred On 1858 October 27

Traveled in William H. Dame Freight Train (1862)

1862 August 14 – October 29 (Age 3) Pioneers in Company


1921 June 9 (Age 62)
