Jacob Stone
The Stone family emigrated from England in 1848. They sailed on the Sailor Prince, and arrived in New Orleans on 20 November 1848. Jacob's mother married John Bardsley in July 1850. He appears in the Bardsley household in the 1850 Census. The Bardsley family probably came to Utah in 1855. There were some church ordinances performed for some members of the Stone family in February 1856. Jacob's sister was also married in 1856. They appear on the 1856 Census.
Further research is needed to determine which company they traveled with.
Date Details
Occurred Circa 1840
Traveled in Company Unknown (1855)
1855 (Age 15) Pioneers in Company
Traveling Group
Date Details
Occurred Circa 1855
Joined Company
Circa 1855
Company Arrived
1914 (Age 74)