Jacobine Kristine Petersen

Birth Date
On 1852 October 2 (Born)
Death Date
On 1934 February 2 (Died)

Her name is "Johanne Christine Nielsen" on the roster and "Bena Christina Holden" on her death certificate.  Her death certificate lists her birth date as 2 October 1853.  New FamilySearch/Family Tree shows her birth as 2 October 1852.  Further research is needed to confirm her correct date of birth. Her name is s "Maren Nielsen" on the roster.  

She came on the ship, Monarch of the Sea in1861 with her father, Niels, mother, Marie, and siblings, Lars Peter, Hans Chr., and Olof Erastus. 

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Jacobine Kristine Petersen (1852 - 1934) Profile
Jacobine Kristine Petersen (1852 - 1934) Profile
