James A. Garrett
The obituary of his sister, Sarah Hannah, states that she came to Utah with "a sister, brother and grandmother." He initially traveled to the valley in 1862, but four years later, again crossed the plains as a teamster for Daniel Thompson's out-and-back company.
James' parents and many of his siblings came to Utah in 1866. It is uncertain which company they traveled in.
1844 February 18
Date Details
Occurred On 1844 February 18
Traveled in Homer Duncan Company (1862)
1862 July 22 – September 21 (Age 18) Pioneers in Company
Date Details
Started On 1862 July 22
Joined Company
Ended On 1862 September 21
Company Arrived
Traveled in Daniel Thompson Company (1866)
1866 July 24 – September 28 (Age 22) Pioneers in Company
Date Details
Started On 1866 July 24
Joined Company
Ended On 1866 September 28
Company Arrived
1927 January 6 (Age 82)

James A. Garrett (1844 - 1927) Profile