James Arzo Wade
As of 28 August 1850, he was still in in Henry County, Iowa. He appears there with his family on the census. His name appears on the 1850 Utah census. However, while the official enumeration date for Utah’s census is 1 April 1851, the collection of data wasn’t completed until sometime in July 1851. Based on the dates, James possibly traveled to Utah in early 1851 either alone or with a small independent group.
1815 December 7
Date Details
Occurred On 1815 December 7
Married Sarah Jane Elliott
1840 December 7 (Age 25)
Traveled in Company Unknown (1851)
1851 (Age 35) Pioneers in Company
Date Details
Occurred Circa 1851
Joined Company
Circa 1851
Company Arrived
1881 September 12 (Age 65)