undefined undefined James Bennett | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

James Bennett

Birth Date
On 1808 October 10 (Born)
Death Date
On 1888 December 14 (Died)

James and his family crossed the Atlantic on the ship Sheffield in 1841.

His obituary states that he came to Utah in the 1852 Warren Snow Company.  The Immigration Location lists shows that he was assigned to settle in the south. A few years after arriving, he is seen out on the plains again, this time to assist in the rescue of the pioneers stranded on the plains of Wyoming the winter of 1856.


1808 October 10

Date Details

Occurred On 1808 October 10

Traveled in Rescue Companies (1856)

1856 October 7 – December 15 (Age 47) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1856 October 7
Joined Company
Ended On 1856 December 15
Company Arrived


1888 December 14 (Age 80)
James Bennett (1808 - 1888) Profile
James Bennett (1808 - 1888) Profile


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