undefined undefined James Christian Peterson | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

James Christian Peterson

Birth Date
On 1842 April 5 (Born)
Death Date
On 1919 March 5 (Died)

He was traveling with his mother, Anne, and siblings, Elsie Marie and Christian. Their mother died shortly before the overland journey. According to James' obituary, all three children crossed the plains with the 1855 Secrist/Guymon Company and, upon their arrival, were cared for by different families.


1842 April 5

Date Details

Occurred On 1842 April 5

Traveled in Jacob F. Secrist/Noah T. Guymon Company (1855)

1855 June 13 – September 7 (Age 13) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1855 June 13
Joined Company
Ended On 1855 September 7
Company Arrived

Married Sarah Ann Brown

1865 December 31 (Age 23)


1919 March 5 (Age 76)
James Christian Peterson (1842 - 1919) Profile
James Christian Peterson (1842 - 1919) Profile

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