undefined undefined James Davenport | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

James Davenport

Birth Date
On 1802 May 1 (Born)
Death Date
On 1883 July 23 (Died)

James Davenport was part of the 11th Company of Ten led by John S. Higbee. He worked as a blacksmith and stayed with others to help operate the Platte River ferry and continued on to Salt Lake Valley with the oncoming companies.

Shortly after arriving in the Valley, he returned to Winter Quarters to collect his family. They crossed the plains together in either 1851 or 1852. They are listed in the 1850 Iowa census, and James is listed in the 1852 Bishop's Report. Further research is needed to narrow the year of this second trip to the Valley and to identify the name of the company they traveled with.

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1802 May 1

Date Details

Occurred On 1802 May 1

Traveled in Brigham Young Vanguard Company (1847)

1847 April 16 – July 21 (Age 44) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1847 April 16
Joined Company
Ended On 1847 July 21
Company Arrived

Married Catherine Vanever Geyer

1852 July 26 (Age 50)


1883 July 23 (Age 81)
James Davenport (1802 - 1883) Profile
James Davenport (1802 - 1883) Profile


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