undefined undefined James Filo Colvin | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

James Filo Colvin

Birth Date
On 1849 November 19 (Born)
Death Date
On 1929 January 16 (Died)

His father Orlin's name appears on the company records as head of household. However, the notation indicating that his traveling group consisted of three adults and three children infers that his wife and children were traveling with him.


1849 November 19

Date Details

Occurred On 1849 November 19

Traveled in Joseph Outhouse Company (1852)

1852 June 10 – September 6 (Age 2) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1852 June 10
Joined Company
Ended On 1852 September 6
Company Arrived


1929 January 16 (Age 79)
James Filo Colvin (1849 - 1929) Profile
James Filo Colvin (1849 - 1929) Profile

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