undefined undefined James Jackson Ross | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

James Jackson Ross

Birth Date
On 1835 November 26 (Born)
Death Date
On 1909 May 2 (Died)

His obituary states that he traveled to Utah in 1852, but he is seen on the company records for the Aaron Johnson Company in 1850.


1835 November 26

Date Details

Occurred On 1835 November 26

Traveled in Aaron Johnson Company (1850)

1850 June 8 – September 12 (Age 14) Pioneers in Company

Married Susan Levernia Robey

1857 February 16 (Age 21)

Married Sarah Catherine Provost

1873 October 13 (Age 37)


1909 May 2 (Age 73)
James Jackson Ross (1835 - 1909) Profile
James Jackson Ross (1835 - 1909) Profile

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