undefined undefined James Lang Hamilton | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

James Lang Hamilton

Birth Date
On 1818 June 11 (Born)
Death Date
On 1875 October 13 (Died)

Born in County Armagh, Ireland, United Kingdom

1818 June 11
John Hamilton

Date Details

Occurred On 1818 June 11

Married Mary Ann Campbell

1840 July 13 (Age 22)

Baptized by John Boreman

1844 April 4 (Age 25)

Traveled in Company Unknown (1852)

1852 (Age 33) Pioneers in Company
Additional Information

James traveled with his wife, Mary Ann, as well as their children: Sarah Jane, John, James, Joseph, Elizabeth and Caroline. His travel to Utah is mentioned in his daughter's obituary. Further research is needed to determine the name of the company he traveled with. It is likely that he traveled to Utah in the 1852 Robert Wimmer Company with his mother and his brother.

Date Details

Occurred Circa 1852
Joined Company
Circa 1852
Company Arrived

Served in Early Church Mission: North America

1875 April 11 (Age 56) See Missionaries
Mission Type
Marital Status
Priesthood Office
High Priest
Residence When Called
Millcreek, Salt Lake, Utah Territory, United States
Set Apart By
Location Served

Date Details

Started On 1875 April 11
Set Apart
End Date Not Found

Died in Millcreek, Salt Lake, Utah Territory, United States

1875 October 13 (Age 57)
James Lang Hamilton (1818 - 1875) Profile
James Lang Hamilton (1818 - 1875) Profile
James Lang Hamilton (1818 - 1875)
James Lang Hamilton (1818 - 1875)

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