undefined undefined James Madison Chadwick | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

James Madison Chadwick

Birth Date
On 1809 December 18 (Born)
Death Date
On 1894 August 20 (Died)

Captain of 4th Ten; with 8 people

The 1860 Utah census shows his surname as "Chadwicke."


1809 December 18

Date Details

Occurred On 1809 December 18

Married Hannah Workman

1845 August 11 (Age 35)

Traveled in Isaac M. Stewart Company (1852)

1852 June 19 – August 28 (Age 42) Pioneers in Company


1894 August 20 (Age 84)
James Madison Chadwick (1809 - 1894) Profile
James Madison Chadwick (1809 - 1894) Profile


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