undefined undefined James McClellan | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

James McClellan

Birth Date
On 1804 August 8 (Born)
Death Date
On 1881 February 10 (Died)

Born in York, South Carolina, United States

1804 August 8
Mary McCall
Hugh McClellan

Date Details

Occurred On 1804 August 8

Married Cynthia Stewart

1826 January 19 (Age 21)

Baptized by Dominicus Carter

1839 May 13 (Age 34)

Married Ann Shaw

1858 January 25 (Age 53)

Married Lydia Goldthwaite

1864 (Age 59)

Served in Eastern States Mission

1871 October 27 – 1872 April 3 (Age 67) See Missionaries
Mission Type
Marital Status
Plurally Married
Priesthood Office
High Priest
Residence When Called
Santa Clara, Washington, Utah Territory, United States
Location Served
United States

Date Details

Started On 1871 October 27
Set Apart
Ended On 1872 April 3

Died in Payson, Utah, Utah Territory, United States

1881 February 10 (Age 76)
James McClellan (1804 - 1881) Profile
James McClellan (1804 - 1881) Profile
James McClellan (1804 - 1881)
James McClellan (1804 - 1881)

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