James Mumford Tanner

Birth Date
On 1833 July 14 (Born)
Death Date
After 1843 (Died)

According to Family Tree James Mumford Tanner was born 14 July 1833 and died 28 July 1833.  His death date is incorrect, however, while his birth date is confirmed by the autobiography of his father Thomas Tanner (b. 1807).  At the time of the 1841 England and Wales census James was age 7.   Other members of his household were his parents Thomas and Mary and siblings William (age 4) and George (age 1).  As a seventeen-year-old James crossed the Atlantic from Liverpool to New Orleans on the ship Olympus in 1851 with his parents and siblings: Thomas, Mary, Thomas Jr., George, Ebenezer, Joseph and Alma.  (On the New Orleans List of Passengers the family name is spelled “Farmer.”  James’ mother died at St. Louis on 11 October 1851 so his father re-married (to Ann Newman) the following year.  In his autobiography James’ father wrote “We with my first family all left St. Louis for Utah, crossing the Missouri River on the 4th of July [1853.]  Members of the Tanner family whose names appear on the original roster of the James Mumford Company include: Thomas, Ann, Thomas Jr., James, George, Ebenezer, Joseph and Alma.  They arrived in Salt Lake City in September 1853 and removed to Tooele City that November.  A James Tanner twice appears in the Index to Public Works Accounts in February 1855 as a teamster (possibly James Mumford Tanner?)   In the Utah, Territorial Militia Records on 9 October 1857 there is a James Tanner of Tooele (probably James Mumford Tanner.)

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1833 July 14

Date Details

Occurred On 1833 July 14


1843 (Age 10)

Traveled in Claudius V. Spencer Company (1853)

1853 June 3 – September 17  Pioneers in Company