Jane Celeste Brown

Birth Date
On 1844 June 7 (Born)
Death Date
On 1871 October 13 (Died)

The Brown family was on the steamboat Saluda when it exploded near the town of Lexington, Missouri in April 1852. The father, Harry, was severely injured and died three weeks later. Ira, a son, had his leg broken; other family members were wounded too. The mother (Rhoda), and her children continued on toward Utah that same year but by the time they arrived at Fort Laramie Ira's leg had become so infected that it had to be amputated. Only eighteen-year-old Sarah continued on to Salt Lake City that year. The rest of the family lingered at Fort Laramie until the next summer when they, too, traveled on to Utah. Rhoda and her children (with the exception of Sarah) returned east after only one year in the City of the Saints.

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1844 June 7

Date Details

Occurred On 1844 June 7

Traveled in Henry W. Miller Company (1852)

1852 July 8 – September 10 (Age 8) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1852 July 8
Joined Company
Ended On 1852 September 10
Company Arrived


1871 October 13 (Age 27)
