Church History Biographical Database
Jane Ellettice Edwards
The Edwards family initially traveled to the Salt Lake Valley in the Robert Wimmer Company in 1852. The family consisted of Caleb Gibbons, his wife, Cynthia Shephard, and their children, Jane Ellettice, Lorenzo, and Caleb Elisha.
Also traveling in the Robert Wimmer Company was Caleb's brother, Elisha and his current wife, Jane Gould, and Elisha's children, Edward Erwin, James Peas, Harrison Martin, and Mariah. Jane Gould died en route.
Elisha's eldest son, Elisha Franklin, initially traveled to the Salt Lake Valley with the Heber C. Kimball Company in 1848.
Date Details
Occurred On 1847 January 15
Traveled in Robert Wimmer Company (1852)
Traveling Group
Date Details
Started Circa 1852 July
Ended On 1852 September 15