Jesse Richard Dredge
Jesse's family sailed to America in 1861 on the ship Monarch of the Sea.
Jesse, his wife Ellen and their infant daughter emigrated in 1861. Jesse stayed in the mid-west to help other immigrants and sent his family to Utah in the Joseph Horne Company. He later joined this freight train.
1828 January 14
Date Details
Occurred On 1828 January 14
Married Ellen Rhees
1854 April 29 (Age 26)
Traveled in Wright-Godbe/George Stringham Freight Train (1861)
1861 August 3 – October 17 (Age 33) Pioneers in Company
Date Details
Started On 1861 August 3
Joined Company
Ended On 1861 October 17
Company Arrived
1913 March 11 (Age 85)
Jesse Richard Dredge (1828 - 1913) Profile