Joseph Jesse Stayner
Jesse Stayner is the father of Jeremiah, Catherine, and Lorella. On their way to California from Illinois, his wife Sarah, and son, William, died. When he and the three surviving children reached Salt Lake City, Jesse left the three children with Benjamin and Sarah Hawkins. He then continued on to California.
Jesse returned to Utah in 1852 when Sarah Hawkins's sued him for not paying them for caring for his children. By the time he returned to Salt Lake City, his daughter, Lorella, had died. More research needs to be done concerning the date and circumstances of her death.
Some records show his name as "Joseph" Jesse Stayner.
Appears in the 1850 census in the home of James (listed on the census as "Benjamin") and Sarah Hawkins. He is listed below the names of his children. His children have the surname "Hawkins" in the census. (The FamilySearch scan of the page he appears on cuts off through his name. As such, in the FamilySearch indexing of these records, Jesse has been listed as "Unknown." This census record has been properly added to the "Sources" on his FamilySearch profile.)
Date Details
Occurred On 1814 May 12
Traveled in Company Unknown (1850)
Date Details
Occurred Circa 1850
Circa 1850