John Christian Peterson
In some records his name is listed as "Jorgen Christian Pederson." We are using his name as it appears on his death certificate and gravestone.Other children appeared with the family on the 1854 Benjamin Adams ship manifest, be we have not been able to confirm that they survived and arrived in Utah with their parents.
1822 August 23
Date Details
Occurred On 1822 August 23
Traveled in Hans Peter Olsen Company (1854)
1854 June 15 – October 5 (Age 31) Pioneers in Company
Date Details
Started On 1854 June 15
Joined Company
Ended On 1854 October 5
Company Arrived
Married Nicoline Christensdatter
1858 (Age 35)
1910 October 26 (Age 88)

John Christian Peterson (1822 - 1910) Profile