undefined undefined John Elmer | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

John Elmer

Birth Date
On 1776 September 22 (Born)
Death Date
On 1871 February 11 (Died)

Born in Somers, Tolland, Connecticut, United States

1776 September 22
Mary Kibbe
William Elmer

Date Details

Occurred On 1776 September 22


1836 (Age 59)

Married Harriet Matilda Gould

1841 March 21 (Age 64)

Traveled in John G. Smith Company (1851)

1851 May 1 – September 23 (Age 74) Pioneers in Company
Additional Information

Evidence from church, newspaper, and genealogical records proves he traveled to Utah in 1851. He appeared on the 1850 Iowa census, enumerated in Oct. 1850. He was on the 1852 Bishop's Report. He received his endowments in Salt Lake in March 1852. These events narrow the window of his travel to Utah to 1851. Other family traditions claim that he came in the 1852 Uriah Curtis company, but that is incorrect. He could have only traveled to Utah in 1851.  Surname is spelled "Elmore" in the PEF ledger.

Date Details

Started On 1851 May 1
Joined Company
Ended Between 1851 September 15 – 23
Company Arrived

Died in Payson, Utah, Utah Territory, United States

1871 February 11 (Age 94)
John Elmer (1776 - 1871) Profile
John Elmer (1776 - 1871) Profile

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