John Gallup

Birth Date
Circa 1811 (Born)
Death Date
On 1893 August 8 (Died)

John's surname is spelled Gallop on the pioneer company roster.  Company records indicate that he was traveling "with 10 people".  L. D. S. Church re-baptism records on 23 November 1851 list his name as John Gallup Jr.  He appears in Salt Lake City Public Works records on 2 January 1852; he sold his Utah land in 1854, returning to Iowa that year.  He is in the 1856 Iowa census.  Later he joined the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  John and Henrietta had a daughter named Polly who was two years old in the 1850 census but does not appear in the 1856 Iowas Census.  It is not known if she crossed the plains to Utah.

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