undefined undefined John Gray Hoagland | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

John Gray Hoagland

Birth Date
On 1807 March 14 (Born)
Death Date
On 1866 October 31 (Died)

The company records indicate that John was traveling with "family." 1860 Utah census records, taken a year after his arrival show his wife and two daughters so it is assumed they are the "family" accompanying him in the 1859 Haight Company. Additional evidence of this is that a "Mrs. Hogan" was mentioned in Horace S. Eldredge's journal. John's wife, Lorania Eldredge Hoagland was Horace Eldredge's sister.


1807 March 14

Date Details

Occurred On 1807 March 14

Traveled in Horton D. Haight/Frederick Kesler Freight Train (1859)

1859 June 6 – September 1 (Age 52) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1859 June 6
Joined Company
Ended On 1859 September 1
Company Arrived


1866 October 31 (Age 59)




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