undefined undefined John Hanson | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

John Hanson

Alternate Names
John B. Anson (Alternate Name)
Birth Date
On 1836 May 5 (Born)
Death Date
On 1907 May 20 (Died)

He was a teamster in 1859. His mother, Caroline Barker, rode with him. His sisters, Mariah Noble, Alice and Jane Hanson traveled with the George Rowley Company (1859).

Born in Little Horton, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom

1836 May 5
Caroline Barker
Thomas J Hanson

Date Details

Occurred On 1836 May 5

Married Mary Ann Webster

1861 February 14 (Age 24)

Died in Burntfork, Sweetwater, Wyoming, United States

1907 May 20 (Age 71)



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