undefined undefined John Jacob Bosshard | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

John Jacob Bosshard

Birth Date
On 1846 August 15 (Born)
Death Date
On 1880 September 7 (Died)

John Jacob and his older sister, Barbara, arrived in New York on 11 June 1866 via the ship Caroline. As head of household, only John Jacob is listed on the overland company records (listed as "J. Boscar), however, the notation that he purchased two adult food rations indicates that Barbara was with him for this part of the trip as well. The rest of the family followed from Switzerland two years later.

Birth and death dates listed were found in a personal, online family history record (such as Family Tree, Ancestry, or My Heritage), without any accompanying documentation. Further research is needed to verify its accuracy.

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1846 August 15

Date Details

Occurred On 1846 August 15

Traveled in Daniel Thompson Company (1866)

1866 July 24 – September 28 (Age 19) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1866 July 24
Joined Company
Ended On 1866 September 28
Company Arrived


1880 September 7 (Age 34)
John Jacob Bosshard (1846 - 1880) Profile
John Jacob Bosshard (1846 - 1880) Profile


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