John Knudsen

Birth Date
On 1864 September 4 (Born)
Death Date
On 1950 February 10 (Died)

An entry in Henry Ballard's private journal dated 4 September 1864 states, "In the afternoon a very heavy thunder storm over took us and we halted for a short time during this storm another son was born." The entry indirectly supports data from John's death certificate and obituary that he was born 4 September 1864 on the plains. 

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1864 September 4

Date Details

Occurred On 1864 September 4

Traveled in William B. Preston Company (1864)

1864 September 4 – 15 (Age 0) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started On 1864 September 4
Born en Route
Ended On 1864 September 15
Company Arrived


1950 February 10 (Age 85)
John Knudsen (1864 - 1950) Profile
John Knudsen (1864 - 1950) Profile
