John Leatham
John emigrated from Scotland in 1855. He sailed on the Charles Buck and arrived in New Orleans on 14 March 1855. He then traveled to Utah with his sister-in-law, Margaret Irvine Leatham, and her family.
His surname also appears as "Letham" or "Latham" in some sources.
1833 June 1
Date Details
Occurred On 1833 June 1
Traveled in Milo Andrus Company (1855)
1855 August 4 – October 24 (Age 22) Pioneers in Company
Date Details
Started On 1855 August 4
Joined Company
Ended On 1855 October 24
Company Arrived
Married Esther Emily Ogden
1861 February 16 (Age 27)
1920 September 20 (Age 87)

John Leatham (1833 - 1920) Profile