undefined undefined John Moroni Foy | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

John Moroni Foy

Birth Date
On 1835 November 6 (Born)
Death Date
On 1900 November 5 (Died)

Evidence from genealogical and census records show that he traveled to Utah in 1850. He had a sister born in Iowa in March 1848 and a sister born in Salt Lake in Dec. 1850. The family is on the February 1856 Utah Census.

He was rebaptized in Salt Lake City on 13 April 1851.



1835 November 6

Date Details

Occurred On 1835 November 6

Married Alice Louisa Jost

1856 August 28 (Age 20)


1900 November 5 (Age 64)
John Moroni Foy (1835 - 1900) Profile
John Moroni Foy (1835 - 1900) Profile


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